Hormone Imbalance Quiz
Are your hormones imbalanced?
Take our quiz to see which of your hormones might be out of balance and receive simple recommendations based on your unique symptoms.
Start the quiz by entering your details below
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Check all that apply
I feel bloated and puffy all the time
I experience heavy, painful periods
I experience PMS with breast tenderness
I have fibroids
I have experienced weight gain/ difficulty losing weight
Check all that apply
I have night sweats and/or hot flashes.
I have trouble falling asleep and frequently wake in the night.
I experience forgetfulness
I have a low or non-existent libido.
I have irregular periods or absent periods
Check all that apply
I experience PMS (moodiness, cramping, sore breasts)
I experience insomnia, sleep problems
I have headaches or migraines around my period
I feel anxious often
I experience mood swings and/or feel irritable often.
Check all that apply
I have abnormal hair growth on my face, chest and/or abdomen.
I have acne.
I have PCOS
I have areas of darker skin (e.g., armpits)
I’ve noticed thinning hair on my head.
Check all that apply
I have a very stressful life
I often feel overwhelmed
I have extra weight around my midsection.
I wake up tired even after a good night’s sleep
My body is tired at night, but my mind is going a mile a minute—“wired and tired.”
Check all that apply
My memory and concentration aren’t what they used to be.
I’m losing hair (on my head, body, outer third of the eyebrows).
If feel like I have no energy, no matter how much I sleep
I’m constipated often.
I feel cold all the time or have cold hands and feet.
Check all that apply
I have had high blood sugar on a recent blood test
I feel shaky and hangry if I wait too long between meals.
I have skin tags
I have brown, velvety skin discolouration in my armpits, groin or neck.
I have a lot of cravings for sugar and high carb foods
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