Fix Your Hormones.
Feel Good Again.

Take control of your health and how you feel in your body with personalized coaching, online programs and other resources designed to heal your metabolism, balance your hormones and teach you to understand your body so you can be healthy for life.

Suspect your hormones are out of balance? Take the quiz to find out.
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Feeling Overwhelmed and Frustrated?

You're Not Alone. I can help

If you have found your way here, chances are you are not feeling good in your body anymore and it feels like the wheels are slowly falling off the cart. You have been feeling like you have no control over how your body is behaving, with mounting symptoms like fatigue, weight gain, sleeplessness, moodiness, heavy periods, hot flashes and aches and pains.

Frankly, this all makes you feel like you are at odds with your body. You are frustrated with visits to your health practitioner’s office because you feel like you are not being heard and not being given real solutions to your issues. You know something is off in your body because you don’t feel like yourself. You’ve been told that much of how you are feeling is “just part of getting older” but that tiny voice in your head is thinking…What? There’s nothing that I can do to feel better?

Intuitively you know that there must be something you can do to feel better and I want you to know there absolutely is! You don’t have to live like this. I’m here to help.

You don't have to live like this.

Meira's programs work

Meira’s approach to nutrition was a refreshing change for me. I lost 30 lbs in 5 months and it was relatively effortless.

Meira’s programs work and I truly believe it’s because she provides us with the knowledge and understanding of why our bodies react the way they do based on the foods we put in. 

- Cynthia Hamilton

I've helped women just like you

I’ve been where you are at right now. After facing my own struggles with hormone imbalances, feeling completely at odds with my body, and being extremely frustrated with the lack of solutions from traditional medicine, I took my health into my own hands and you can too. You just need to be shown what to do and how to do it in a way that brings lasting results, and fits into your busy lifestyle without a lot of effort.

The solution lies in:

  • Understanding how your body works so you can be the CEO of your own health, which by the way, is the key to consistency.
  • Having a simple, holistic, comprehensive nutrition and lifestyle plan that relieves symptoms, restores balance and that is doable for life – but that also allows you to live life, enjoy events and vacations and never feel deprived.

I have many years of experience helping women just like you resolve their symptoms and finally feel energized, healthy, joyful and at peace in their bodies. I would be honoured to guide you on this journey too.

Free Guide

Craving sugar, chocolate and carbs?

Did you know that cravings are a sign that your blood sugar is imbalanced? FYI - the key to banishing cravings is learning to balance your blood sugar!

Get my free guide and learn how to start balancing your blood sugar and get rid of those cravings today!

I sleep better, my skin is better, I have more energy, and I don't dread my period every month! Meira is knowledgeable, thorough, and so intuitive about her client's needs. I love working with Meira so much that just one three-month session wasn't enough for me.

Michelle M.

Real, sustainable results

Are you tired of Googling, reading books, and watching influencers on social media in an attempt to balance your hormones and resolve your symptoms? You’re not alone. Many of my clients have tried to DIY their health for years before coming to me.

But the truth is, there’s a lot of misinformation out there. And while it’s great to educate yourself, it’s not enough to achieve sustainable results. That’s where I come in.

As a professional nutritionist, I can guarantee that working with me one-on-one or in my 8-week online group program, The BodyWise System for Hormone Balance, will deliver the results you’re after in a much shorter time. My life-changing nutrition and lifestyle program, coupled with the accountability and support you’ll receive, is the recipe for success.

Unlike most nutritionists, I collect data on the results my clients achieve when working with me. And in The BodyWise System, clients consistently experience reduced or complete symptom resolution in areas such as:

In addition, they report increased feelings of confidence and changes in body composition (clothes fit better!) and they are more comfortable in their own skin.

Don’t waste any more time going it alone. Let’s work together. I want you to experience the life-changing results you deserve.

Let's get you feeling better
in your body.

Join BodyWISE

Restore your confidence with my 8 week holistic nutrition and lifestyle program The BodyWISE System for Hormone Balance - designed to banish cravings, energy slumps, sleepless nights and finally burn fat (plus so much more).

Apply for 1:1 Coaching

You are done navigating things on your own and know you need professional guidance, support and accountability. You want a custom nutrition and lifestyle plan to address specific health concerns/ goals and you want extra attention and a more intimate experience.

Free Goodies

Read the latest articles on wellness topics that matter to women over 35 and discover other free resources designed to support your hormone health.